Sorry foe asking but whats the song when waluigi pops up? Thanks and Great flash cant wait for the others.
Sorry foe asking but whats the song when waluigi pops up? Thanks and Great flash cant wait for the others.
Spot on
Dammit that really is all he did...
What a treat!
For the eyes and ears! beautiful dude way to go! XD
pretty good dude. Guy looked like brock lol. Nice keep em coming.
I noticed that too after I finished it, but whatever Brock was favorite character when I was into Pokemon
Dont worry about your messed up english. They way you spoke was epic great job and keep em coming.
Super thanks! :-D
very cool mm8 loled at the part were luigi ran from the water. keep it up.
Always loved Parry's songs and your animation did a great job of personifying
the lyrics. Loved it great stuff m8.
pure epic
I have seen all of your efn related flashes even some on deiviant art, and I'm brought to complete awe whenever you release one of your masterpeices. please for the sake of all your fans dont stop making flash. :)
the only problem I had was the effect when they were about to punch or deal a combo thing it was over used in my opinion but every thing else is extrely epic more plz!
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Age 33, Male
Its there.
Joined on 2/7/09